Mobile Detail in San Diego – Keep your vehicle clean & clutter free
Mobile Detail in San Diego – Life gets hectic at times and if you’re always on the go, it may become increasingly harder for you to keep your Car spic and span. However, if you just follow these 4 easy steps you will be on your way to showing your vehicle that extra bit of care that it needs and deserves. Cars of any kind are an investment and one should be able to take pride in that. So, even a few minutes a day can help to keep your car looking its best.
Step 1: Get a small portable trash can, or for call for Mobile Detail in San Diego
Depending on the size of your Jeep or vehicle you can easily get a small portable trash can. Even if you do not have the room, consider using a small plastic bag. Attach the small plastic bag to the doors on the inside and you will never have to worry about picking up all that trash. Let’s face it, as much as we may not like to admit it from time to time, we do throw our trash on the floor. This simple step can help to keep the floors and interior of your Jeep looking nice and clean. After all, you never know who will be riding in your Jeep.
Step 2: Once a week, wipe down the exterior.
Not everyone has the time to fully wash or call a mobile detail in San Diego service for their car on a regular basis and this is where wiping down your vehicle with non-abrasive towels can really come in handy. This will help to get all the road dirt, pollen and other road hazards off the doors, body, and hood of your Jeep. A little maintenance can go a long way and help to keep your Jeep looking like you just drove off the lot.
Step 3: Clean your Jeep windows on a regular basis.
Often times, the dirtiest part of a Jeep or any car for that matter is the interior windows. Get into the habit of cleaning your interior windows on a regular basis. One handy tip is to keep a bottle of window cleaner and some paper towels with you at all times. This way, if you find yourself with a few extra minutes to spare (i.e. waiting for the Jeep to warm up), you can also be productive. Simple and easy and will not take much time at all.
Step 4: Remove Trash Daily.
Get into the habit of bringing those old coffee cups, water bottles, and other various items of trash out with you every time you get out of the Jeep. How often are you getting in and out of your car? How many of those times are you empty handed? Instead of simply closing the doors and being on your way, grab some trash. We are often in a rush to get from one place to the next but the reality is that it will not make you late if you simply grab your trash and go. By doing this every time you get out of your Jeep it will make cleaning your vehicle a breeze. The more trash that piles up, the less likely you are to clean it, right? Save time and keep your Jeep clean all at the same time.
This is another Guest post by Quan Thach
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